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Gokula Nanda
Govinda Maharaj
Juan Diego
Juan Diego Piedemonte
Juan Diego Piedemonte
Medicine Music School
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Juancho - The Wisdom of Medicine Music
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A seasoned ceremonialist and performer at concerts, Juancho shares his songs and beautiful wisdom about life.
Juan Diego Piedemonte
Gokula - Transforming Hardship with Music from the Heart
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Goku shares his unique perspective on music, life and our universal ability to turn even the most challenging moments in life into fuel for our spiritual growth.
Gokula Nanda
Juancho - La Sabiduria de la Musica Medicina
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A seasoned ceremonialist and performer at concerts, Juancho shares his songs and beautiful wisdom about life.
Juan Diego Piedemonte
Govinda - De músico de rock a maestro espiritual
Available until
Govi shares his songs and path from being a rock music performer to becoming a spiritual teacher and ceremonial musician.
Govinda Maharaj
Gokula - Transformar las pruebas con música del corazón
Available until
Goku comparte su perspectiva única sobre la música, la vida y nuestra capacidad universal de convertir incluso los momentos más difíciles de la vida en combustible para nuestro crecimiento espiritual.
Gokula Nanda
Govinda - From Rock Musician to Spiritual Teacher
Available until
Govi shares his songs and path from being a rock music performer to becoming a spiritual teacher and ceremonial musician.
Govinda Maharaj
Medicine Music Guitar Initiation
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Start here if you have never held a guitar in your hands
Govinda Maharaj
Iniciación a la Guitarra de Música Medicina
Available until
Start here if you have never held a guitar in your hands
Govinda Maharaj
Membresía Estudiantil - Precio Regular
¡Obtén acceso completo a todos los cursos de la escuela y elige lo que quieres aprender!
Courses: 4
7 day free trial then $25/month
Membresía Estudiantil - Precio Reducido
¡Obtén acceso completo a todos los cursos de la escuela y elige lo que quieres aprender!
Courses: 4
7 day free trial then $12/month
Student Membership - Regular Price
Get full access to all courses in the school and pick and choose what you want to learn!
Courses: 4
7 day free trial then $25/month
Student Membership - Reduced Price
Get full access to all courses in the school and pick and choose what you want to learn!
Courses: 4
7 day free trial then $12/month