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Who is this school for?

For anyone who (just like us) connected a lot with the music at a sacred medicine ceremony or retreat. Now, you can learn medicine songs so that you can maintain your connection to the energy, insights and inspiration you received during this experience.

It takes years to assemble a repertoire of medicine songs, and often, these songs are only shared from one person to another in intimate spaces.

That is why we built the Medicine Music School — for you to be able to do just that, no matter where you are in the world or where you are in your medicine music journey!

This is the first time that the opportunity to learn directly from experienced medicine musicians, who regularly support ceremonies across Colombia and internationally, is being made available to anyone who feels inspired...







Govinda Bhajan Maharaj

Govinda Bhajan Maharaj is Hare Krishna pilgrim monk and resident musician at the Maloka of Taita Giovani, our beloved yagé (ayahuasca) elder. He holds kirtans and teaches regular courses of study of the Vaishnava tradition’s sacred scriptures. Govi, as we affectionately call him, shares his songs and his story of going from rock music performer to spiritual teacher and ceremonial musician.

Juancho Piedemonte

Based in San Rafael, Antioquia, Juancho Piedemonte is one of the most charismatic performers within the medicine community. A seasoned ceremonialist and performer at concerts, he supports retreats at several medicine houses in Colombia, and his songs are often heard even at ceremonies where he is not present. Juancho also shares beautiful wisdom about life acquired through his travels and studies of various traditions across Latin America. 

Gokula Nanda Das

Born into a family of artists, Gokula has spent the past 20 years traveling across Latin America to share the message of Universal Love and the importance of  taking care of Mother Earth, integrating ancestral knowledge into his music as a guide for a conscious and harmonious way of life. Through his music, Goku also shares captivating stories of perseverance and how if we have the eyes to see, we can see the beauty of even life’s most challenging moments.

Ivaylo Govedarov

Founder of Colibri Garden and the Medicine Music School, Ivaylo is an experienced sacred medicine facilitator working and studying under Colombian medicine elders. His journey with medicine music led him to study with various medicine musicians, the best of whom have been invited to participate and teach their magic to students of the school.

How to Study with Us?



Medicine Music is the genre of music that is played during sacred medicine ceremonies as well as any other music that aims to harmonize, to share a blessing, to calm, to bring healing and share a message or a prayer. This music has the power to bring us back to the insights we received during our work with the sacred medicines such as Ayahuasca, Psilocybin Mushrooms, San Pedro, Peyote, Sweat Lodge, etc. — as well as to infuse our lives with the energy that it carries. Learning medicine music is a spiritual practice in itself and a beautiful way to cultivate inner growth through art and creative expression.
YES! The songs come with an increasing level of difficulty so that you can start with easier ones and build yourself up to the more complex pieces. If you are an absolute beginner, we recommend starting with our Guitar Initiation Course which will take you from 0 to playing and singing an original medicine song by Govinda Bhajan Maharaj, through four weeks of guitar technique skill-building.
YES! Singing is a skill that everyone can develop. In our Guitar Initiation Course, we take you through four weeks of different voice activation and breathing exercises to help you liberate your voice and gain confidence to share it with others.
The courses are subtitled so that you can still connect with the musicians and understand everything they teach in the videos.
The more, the better. We recommend that you practice at least 30 minutes per day, 4 days per week. If you practice more, you will advance quicker.
We wish that this seed of medicine music grows into a beautiful flower in your heart and that you may cultivate and inspire a lot of beauty in your life and those of other people through this music.

Thank you for your visit!